Developing a Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System: A Guide to Designing, Building, and Operating Large-Scale Faculty Evaluation Systems Paperback - 2006

This highly successful handbook provides practical, proven models for developing and using a comprehensive faculty evaluation system. Based on 36 years of research and experience building and operating large-scale faculty evaluation systems, as well as consulting experience to thousands of administrators and faculty from hundreds of colleges and universities of all types, this new edition includes more detailed information about the process of building and operating a comprehensive faculty evaluation system and a new model for conceptualizing the full complexity of faculty performance itself. The heart of the book remains the same reliable eight-step process that has worked so well for so many institutions. Each step, including the definitions of the various roles to be evaluated, has been expanded and enhanced based on the experiences of many institutions that have followed the procedure outlined in this book.

This third edition also includes a new introductory section; new research in the field; updated forms and procedures; a new, detailed case study of an institution that developed a web-enabled, computer-supported system based on the eight-step process; and a new body of work that defines the professoriate as a meta-profession, with a rubric for defining more than 20 faculty skill sets.

Contents include:


Media reviews


About the author

Raoul A. Arreola received his Ph.D. in educational psychology from Arizona State University in 1969, specializing in educational research and measurement. He has taught in the areas of statistics, educational psychology, personnel educational, and educational leadership, and has held a number of faculty and administrative positions involving assessment, strategic planning, faculty evaluation, and faculty development. These positions include director of the Office of Evaluation Services, associate director of the Learning Systems Institute, and associate professor of educational research and measurement at Florida State University, director of the Center for Instructional Services and research and professor of educational psychology at the University of Memphis; and professor and chair of the Department of Education, assistant dean for assessment and planning, director of educational technology, and director of institutional research, assessment, and planning at the University of Tennessee Health Service Center. Dr. Arreola currently serves as director of assessment and professor of pharmaceutical sciences in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
Dr. Arreola has worked and published in the field of faculty evaluation and development for 36 years and has served as a consultant nationally and internationally to more than 250 colleges and universities in designing and operating faculty evaluation and development programs. He has also served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of labor and the Florida House of Representatives on designing and evaluating professional and occupational licensing examination procedures. He is president of his own consulting firm, the Center for Educational Development and Evaluation (CEDA), which offers consulting and national workshops on developing and assessing faculty performance. These workshops have been attended by thousands of faculty and administrators from more than 500 college and universities.
In 2004 Dr. Arreola was presented with the McKeachie Career Achievement Award by the Special Interest group of faculty teaching Evaluation, and Development of the American Educational Research Association for his contributions to the field of assessing and developing faculty performance. In 2005 the American Educational Research Association presented him with the prestigious Interpretive Scholarship Award in recognition for his work in developing the meta-profession model of the professoriate, which underpins the processes described in this volume.
Raoul Arreola is married to Dr. Mona J. Arreola, associate director of the cancer center of St. Jude Children's Research hospital. They have four grown children and nine grandchildren (so far).