Planning & Development Services

The Planning and Development Services Department collaborates with our community to define and implement an inclusive vision for the city’s future while providing consistent and equitable administration of codes and policies to ensure the health, safety and well-being of the community. The permitting, planning, licensing and inspection numbers did not diminish during the pandemic. The number of customers requesting responses to inquiries via InquireBoulder or via appointments also remained high, even though many services that were previously provided over the counter were automated and provided via EnerGov, the city’s permitting and land management system. In the first quarter of 2022 when virtual services only were being provided (besides inspections being performed in the field), P&DS staff received and responded to 1,173 inquiries through InquireBoulder and 112 appointment requests, in addition to direct phone calls and emails. 94 percent of InquireBoulder survey respondents said P&DS staff responses met or exceeded their expectations.

For 2023, the Planning and Development Services Department recommended staff increases to address the city's and community's needs. These additional staff requests include Right of Way Permit Inspectors, Development Review Planners, Code Compliance Project Managers, Building Code Compliance Examiners, Civil Engineers, and an in-person receptionist serving both the Planning and Development Services and Housing and Human Services departments.