latex Tables Coloring Table

To make the table more readable, following are the ways to color it:

Coloring Rows

Use \rowcolor (provided by colortbl ; also loaded by xcolor under the [table] package option). Example:

\documentclass \usepackage[table] \begin \begin < | l | l | l | >\rowcolor A & B & C \\ \rowcolor D & E & F \\ G & H & I \\ \rowcolor J & K & L \end \end

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Coloring Columns

Columns can be colored using following ways:

 \newcolumntype< >> c > 
 \begin< | >> c | l | l > 
\documentclass \usepackage[table] \newcolumntype<>>c> \newcolumntype<>>c> \begin \begin< a | >>c | l | b > \hline A & B & C & D \\ E & F & G & H \\ \hline \end \end

enter image description here

Coloring Lines

Use \arrayrulecolor . Example:

\documentclass \usepackage[table] \arrayrulecolor \begin \begin < | l | l | l | >\hline A & B & C \\ \hline D & E & F\\ \hline G & H & I \\ \hline \end \end

enter image description here

Coloring Cells

Use \cellcolor . Example:

\documentclass \usepackage[table] \begin \begin < | l | l | l | >\hline A & B & C \\ \hline D & E & \cellcolorF \\ \hline G & H & I \\ \hline \end \end

enter image description here

We can define our own colors too using package colortbl . Following are the tags examples:

 \definecolor \columncolor[RGB]> \columncolor[HTML]


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